Overview topics are meant to be a navigational page that provides a high-level outline or summary of a subject. These topics introduce key concepts, processes, and objectives and help users navigate to other relevant topics. Progressive disclosure is necessary for overview topics to reduce the cognitive load and ensure a clear user experience.
The following is a capture of an overview topic that I composed for Data Product Hub. The topic guides data producers (editors) on how to create a data product. To view the published topic, see Creating a data product overview - IBM Documentation.
Design Thinking Process
Empathize: Research your users’ needs
Audience: Data producers who are creating a data product for the first time
Research: Producers want to know all the methods to create a data product, the advantages of each method, and guidance on which method to choose
Define: State your users’ needs and problems
Problem statement: I am a new data producer and I need to learn how to create a data product to fulfill a consumer’s data product request. Since the creation process is long and involves many decisions, I need a page that outlines the procedure and guides me through the decisions I must make.
Ideate: Generate ideas and elements to include
Topics to include:
All available methods for creating a data product
Unique benefit of each method
Guidance on Access level
Common steps for completing a data product
Elements to include:
Ordered lists
Prototype: Create solutions
Test: Try out solutions
Invited Data Product Hub developers to test the topic
Invited non-Data Product Hub designers to test the topic
Solicited feedback from clients
Quality assessment: Reviewed by lead content strategists and IBM’s D&UX team